Pay arrear software kerala
Pay arrear software kerala

Scheme, including employees in Part-time posts and Casual Sweepers and excluding those posts covered by UGC/AICTE schemes of Scales (b) Posts under Education Institutions of the Government, Aided Schools and Colleges and also such institutions covered by Direct Payment (a) Posts under Government Service, including Part-time Contingent Service and Casual Sweepers (i) To suggest modifications, if found necessary, for the pay and allowances of :

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Government by the GO 1st cited have now appointed the XI Pay Revision Commission with Shri.K.Mohandas IAS (Rtd) as Chairman, Prof.(Retd) M.K.Sukumaran Nair and Adv.Ashok Mamen Cherian as members in order to study and make recommendations on further revision of pay and allowance of Government employees and Teachers with the following Terms of Reference: Government had revised the pay and allowances of State Government employees and teachers w.e.f from by the G.O read as 2nd above based on the recommendations of the X Pay Revision Commission. Revision of pay & allowances and allied matters of State Government employees and Teachers –Recommendations of XI Pay Revision Commission – Implementation – Orders issued

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Revision of pay & allowances – Recommendations of XI Pay Revision Commission Implementation – Orders issued

Pay arrear software kerala