Trucos windows vista regedit
Trucos windows vista regedit

The memory-management system typically puts the pagefile on the same volume as the operating system (OS). The Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows Vista memory-management system includes a feature that automatically manages the system pagefile. This setting helps protect confidential data in a pagefile when BitLocker Drive Encryption (BDE) is enabled. Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Enterprise Windows 7 Ultimate and Windows 7 Enterprise Windows 8.1 Enterprise and Windows 8.1 Pro Hold down the Ctrl key, and then tap Tab repeatedly to switch to the tab to the right.This article describes a new setting in the following versions of Windows: In almost any application that offers built-in tabs, you can use Ctrl+Tab to switch between tabs, just as you’d use Alt+Tab to switch between windows. This isn’t an Alt+Tab keyboard trick, but it’s so similar and important we have to include it. It will then always appear when you press Alt+Tab. If you really love this old Alt+Tab switcher-and we’re not sure why you would-you can switch back to it by changing the “AltTabSettings” value in the Windows registry. However, it does support Ctrl+Shift+Tab to go through windows in reverse, and you can press Esc to close it. The classic switcher doesn’t let you use your mouse or the arrow keys. The old switcher appears, but this one time only-next time you Alt+Tab, you’ll see the standard, new Alt+Tab switcher. Press and hold the left or right Alt key, tap and release the other Alt key on your keyboard, and then press Tab. You can open the old Alt+Tab switcher with a hidden keyboard shortcut, too. The Alt+Tab switcher will stay open on your screen. Press Alt+Ctrl+Tab, and then release all three keys. But, if you’d like to Alt+Tab without holding the Alt key down the whole time, you can. The Alt+Tab switcher normally closes when you release the Alt key. This is a quick way of closing a lot of windows. Click the “x” to close an application window. While using your mouse, you’ll notice a bonus: an “x” appears at the top-right corner of a window thumbnail when you hover over it. Press Alt+Tab, keep holding the Alt key and click the window you want to switch to. You can also use your mouse with the Alt+Tab switcher. Use Your Mouse to Switch and Close Windows Rather than pressing Tab, use the arrow keys on your keyboard to highlight the window you want, and then release the Alt key, press the Enter key, or press the space bar. Press Alt+Tab to open the switcher and keep holding down the Alt key. You can select windows in Alt+Tab with the arrow keys. If you’re Alt+Tabbing and go past the window you want, press and hold the Shift key and tap Tab once to go back to the left. Instead, press Alt+Shift+Tab to move through the windows in reverse.

Trucos windows vista regedit